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“is it wrong for a cisgendered person to wear a binder?”

I went to check up on the stats for this blog, and found that somebody stumbled onto it by Googling the above question.

So I’m gonna answer it:

No. It’s not wrong at all.

Binders are not a limited commodity. They are mass-produced. If you don’t want to or can’t buy one, you can even make your own with cheap, easy-to-buy materials (if you’re interested in more information on that, let me know).

I had a hard time letting myself buy a binder, thinking that only trans men or transmasculine people had “the right” to bind their chests. Eventually, though, after talking to some people about it, I realized exactly what I’m telling you right now. You should do what feels right for you. Binding is not a special privilege limited only to masculine-identified people. Binding is something to be done if it makes you feel more comfortable in your body. Or if you’re cosplaying. Or if you just want to.

But the point is this:

If you want to bind, go for it. It’s your body.

Just please don’t use ace bandages or tape.

Yes, it is a word

Call me Ishmael Liz. Oh wow did I just make that joke I’m sorry.

My major is a combination of Museum Studies, Art History, and English. I’m a Junior at Juniata College.

Oh yeah, and I’m aromantic, asexual, agender, and neutrois.

This is a blog about being invisible.